Monday, May 3, 2010

It's been one week since Istarted this blog and I've made about as much progress with women as BP has made with containing the oil leak (boom shaka laka laka). I had a pretty good chance today to talk to this girl, but, as you can assume, I totally blew it. So here we go...

Potential Progression:

Running Track Girl: thin, possibly Latvian, great smile; Ok, so this girl was running around the running track at the Rec Center (where the odds of me talking to girls apparently go to hell) and every time she ran by me - I was doing my daily 1500 push-ups on one of the mats - we gave each other some eye contact (Step 2, remember?). Eventually, she finished and sat on one of the nearby mats to stretch. We were basically alone, and I kept telling myself to freakin' talk to her, but all I could muster was, "Can I borrow that?" (referring to the antibacterial spray used to clean the mats)... I'm sure that got her wet. Looking back, I should have said something like, "How was your workout?" or "You done with exams yet?" and just taken it from there. I guess a boy can only dream.

One last thing. So today mother took me to Century Restaurant & Bar (the 'Bama Burger' is exquisite) and our waiter (who was gay) told us this story:

"One time, I was taking this lady's plate away, and apparently she wasn't done with her potatoes and she slapped my hand away. I glared at her and said, 'Honey, I'm just as effeminate as you and will not hesitate to slap you back!'"

That was by far the funniest thing I'd heard all day.


- JJ

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